May 02, 2003

Organize to support democratic communications!

Moveon.Org, which you may have encountered for their brilliant strategies in peace organizing, is now beginning to work on supporting democratization of our media. They have a particularly compelling bulletin out right now about the rule changes pending at the FCC. If you don't know much about these issues, I highly recommend Robert McChesney and John Nichols' book "Our Media Not Theirs." Also, Bill Moyers' "NOW" show on PBS has been covering these issues quite a lot, and has a nice timeline that shows media regulation in the recent history of the US. A step beyond advocacy is to move into creative construction, and on that front I recommend a visit to the Creative Commons. Incidentally, the Creative Commons folk have a really sweet little flash animation that explains their mission, available at their website (click on "animated short").

Posted by hessma at May 2, 2003 10:25 AM

Really useful Mary!

Thanks. It needs to be known widespread that the airwaves were GIVEN away to big business and they don't exactly run the kind of community programming that would be a little better for us. Reality shows - ugh.

Of course, we can always 'vote with our feet' and change the chanel!


Posted by: Pam Hoffman at May 2, 2003 07:34 PM

poker me up

Posted by: poker me up at January 1, 2005 05:35 AM

poker me up

Posted by: poker me up at January 1, 2005 05:35 AM

poker me up

Posted by: poker me up at January 1, 2005 05:35 AM