January 25, 2004

Columbia Journalism Review analysis

Professional journalists who care about the integrity of their profession are beginning to critique the media spin on Dean. Look at this piece in the Columbia Journalism Review's Campaign Desk (this is the magazine of the the premier school of journalism in the US) written by Bryan Keefer, which notes, among other things, that "the fact that the reporters, who were in the room with Dean, felt that he was raising the volume of his voice to be heard over his supporters is a key detail missing from most other coverage of the speech." This is a point many of us have been making in weblogs, but it's reassuring to see that professional journalists can be self critical enough to pick up on it. It is not so much the journalists that are the problem, but rather the monopolistic, commercially oriented ownership of our news processes that are.

Posted by hessma at January 25, 2004 09:41 AM