April 08, 2004

Going deep to reinvigorate electoral strategies

Tikkun has an excellent and substantial argument in play this month inquiring into the "anybody but Bush" rhetoric, and proposing a set of policy proposals that those of us who care about progressive issues ought to be supporting in the coming election. Their suggestions get at root issues of meaning that take us beyond the shallow "electability" that has become the standard fare of the punditocracy. I'm not convinced that Michael Lerner, the author of the argument, got it entirely right in his description of the Dean campaign, but he certainly raises some critical issues that have religious ramifications. Those of us who are part of the "religious left" ought to be bringing this kind of resource to our electoral campaigns. We need to be pushing FOR something, not simply being AGAINST something. Posted by hessma at April 8, 2004 05:15 PM