September 28, 2004

Upcoming local events

St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Minneapolis is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its statement of reconciliation to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community.  They are inviting people to help them celebrate this anniversary with a GLBT Speaker Series, October 5 and 12 in the evening.

October 5, 2004,  7:00 PM  -  Rev. Jay Wiesner

Sex & Soul: Are They Compatible?

" Part lecture, part discussion, this presentation will dive into the question of the relationship between sexuality and spirituality. Can a person be both a sexual being and a spiritual being? How does ones sex life coincide with ones spiritual life? What has been the church's view of sexuality throughout the ages? Bring your own questions and observations concerning these two distinct facets of life that many feel are disparate, yet perhaps have more in common than many would believe."

October 12, 2004,  7:00 PM  -  David Weiss

Holding our Breath in the Face of Hate: Reading the Bible "Word by Word" in the Spirit of Christ.

"This presentation will briefly explore the contentious historical and literary context of those "texts of terror" most often used to condemn homosexuality.  It will then explore at greater length a far more promising approach, which is to set these texts in a theological and Christological context.  This approach asks how we hear such texts through the over-arching message of God's gathering grace and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It invites us to silence these texts by recognizing that God's welcome, embodied in Jesus' message and ministry as the Living Word, is the final Word by which all biblical text must be measured."

Posted by hessma at September 28, 2004 09:45 AM