The show is wonderful, and I am so sad that it ended almost before it began. It looks like there is a movie in the works, but in the meantime I'm simply going to have to watch the episodes all over again. It's the kind of series that repays repeated viewings -- interesting characters, gorgeous music, fascinating sets, and so on. It also helps me feel my way through questions like "what would it be to be a small minority of folk trying to live in the midst of worlds dominated by an autocratic government?" and "how interesting might the margins be in a world dominated by a central alliance?" and so on. Unlike so much of mainstream television the show has strong women, a diverse cast, a regular religious presence, and so on. Sigh. I wish that there was enough of an alternative distribution network available that we could convince a network to keep on producing episodes.
Posted by hessma at November 23, 2004 09:07 PM