November 30, 2004

Verizon's villainy

Here is a direct quote from the Center for American Progress 's Action Fund (because I'm so angry about this I don't have the emotional space to write thoughtfully about it):

"In an attempt to bridge the digital divide and enhance their economic prospects, cities across the nation (sorry for slithy WSJ popup), including Milwaukee, Cleveland, St. Louis and Philadelphia, are planning to deploy universal low-cost wireless Internet access. Meanwhile, moneyed telecommunications corporations and their army of lobbyists are doing everything in their power to ensure it doesn't happen (sorry for slithy WSJ popup). In Pennsylvania, for example, the legislature passed a bill with a deeply buried provision -- inserted after intensive lobbying by Verizon Communications -- which would make it illegal for any city or other "political subdivision" in the state to provide low-cost Internet access to its citizens unless a corporation like Verizon gave them permission. Gov. Ed Rendell (sorry for slithy WSJ popup) has until midnight tonight to sign or veto the legislation. Email Gov. Rendell and tell him he should stand up to corporate lobbyists and veto the bill."

Posted by hessma at November 30, 2004 12:18 PM

I can't believe it, my co-worker just bought a car for $73625. Isn't that crazy!

Posted by: Betsy Markum at November 15, 2005 07:52 PM