I just returned from the "grand finale": Iva E.Carruthers and James Cone. Both were great; Cone in particular was phenomenal. He related the lynching of blacks by whites in the U.S. and the crucifixion, saying that the cross interprets the lynching tree, and the lynching tree interprets the cross. His paper was an empassioned re-contextualization of a theology of the cross. Fantastic. In the audience dialogue following its presentation, Cone said it was part of a forthcoming book (his own, in addition to the editted volume of the whole conference).
Wanting to soak the experience in, I didn't take any notes on Cone's presentation. But I did take notes at many other sessions. If time permits, I'll blog about them.
Posted by: mild-mannered blogger at November 4, 2005 10:34 PM