I love our schools!
You know, no school is ever perfect. And perhaps one of the hardest things for middle class, white, high-achieving parents to learn, is that WE are our kids' primary teachers, not a school. Still, a school can make a huge impact on a child, and I am really proud of the two public schools our kids attend. Both of them are part of the
East Metro Integration District (EMID), and are magnet schools that support a voluntary integration strategy in the St. Paul area.
Harambee is the elementary school, and
Crosswinds is the middle years program (which means it covers 6th to 10th grades, and is an
international baccalaureate program). This afternoon
Harambee sent out a note to parents alerting us to a national organization that is lobbying for year round schools, so I wanted to make sure to highlight that organization,
NAYRE, here.
Posted by hessma at March 29, 2006 02:24 PM