September 10, 2006

African National Eucharistic Congress

Last week the US conference of Catholic bishops, through their office of pastoral care and migrants, supported the First African National Eucharistic Congress. I haven't been able to figure out if there are any public statements that have emerged from it, but at least the meeting happened.

I was thinking about this again on Friday, as we have an ongoing dialogue that happens at Luther concerning African congregations in the Twin Cities. Last Friday the conversation centered on social justice and I learned a number of "factoids" that might be surprising to people.

Like the reality that the Twin Cities has the most diverse community of African descent immigrants of any metro area in the US. Like African immigration into the Twin Cities has increased 627% over the last five years. And more disturbing things, like the reality that Liberian immigrants, who come here under what is called "TPS" status (temporary protective status) have to renew that status every year -- to the tune of $395 EACH. I fail to understand why we would charge people such a huge sum of money, particularly people who are fleeing civil war and likely don't have many assets to begin with!

We've been hearing a lot lately about immigration and our southern border, but clearly there are problems with justice throughout the immigration process, problems that all of us who care about justice, should be paying attention to! Posted by hessma at September 10, 2006 01:11 PM
