November 03, 2006

Away at REA

I've been at the Religious Education Association meeting here in Atlanta since yesterday. It's been nice to connect with a few old friends, and today I got to hear Claire Bischoff present an excellent paper on her research with adolescent girls and identity formation. (Claire did her MA at Luther, now she's a doctoral student at Emory and it's really fun to watch her grow into a full colleague in this guild!)

I'm enjoying myself, mostly, but it also feels a bit wrong to somehow be in this nice hotel exchanging scholarly pleasantries when we're only a few days away from a crucial election. Eric and the kids are campaigning this weekend, and I'll work on GOTV stuff on Tuesday, but I'm really getting impatient -- and biting my fingernails in hope! -- that come Tuesday we might usher in some real change...

Posted by hessma at November 3, 2006 09:25 PM

Yeah Claire!

Posted by: Dan Ruth at November 9, 2006 05:02 PM