November 18, 2006

Day one addendum

Ok, actually it's day two already here at the AAR, but I'm up early reading blogs, and this one was too directly connected to yesterday not to comment! (Thanks to dailyKos for pointing to it.) It's a clip from the Daily Show in which Jon Stewart is commenting on CNN's Glen Beck interview of Keith Ellison, wherein Beck accuses Ellison of being an enemy because he's Muslim.

It's the most outrageous and blatent example of what we were talking about yesterday (the racism and xenophobia, the anti-Islamic fears) directed at Muslims that I've seen on national television. I am amazed -- and impressed! -- by Keith Ellison's ability to remain calm and centered in the midst of such an attack. I surely couldn't. But the larger point is that he shouldn't have to face such garbage. And the fact that CNN can put it out there is a direct example of how religious education has failed miserably in this country.

Posted by hessma at November 18, 2006 05:40 AM

The Glen Beck interview takes place in the context of a continuing tendency of European xenophobia, as illustrated yesterday by the Dutch government's intention to draw up legislation banning the burqas (head to toe garment of Muslims)in public places. This comes after the French backed a banning on Muslim headscarves in schools (2004) and a 15 year old schoolgirl lost her legal challenge in a British court over a ban on wearing traditional Muslim dress in the classroom (2004).

Posted by: Jannie at November 18, 2006 10:14 AM

You're right, Jannni. And much of the discussion in the session I attended talked about the various elements of the European response, which is much more intense than the American one (if that can be believed, given how bad it is here). I confess to feeling quite perturbed that we might still have room to get worse here...

Posted by: Mary Hess at November 18, 2006 07:31 PM